
Widowsweave is an awareness raising series of performances highlighting the conditions of Iraqi Widows who often struggle to acquire even basic necessities such as clean water or adequate shelter. Through artistic durational activities the artist and public participants mark 3,000,000 lines representing the number of Iraqi widows from 30 years of war, tyranny and sanctions.


Kevin Valentine will have three new pieces in the Faculty Show at North Central College, Naperville. The reception is April 8th, from 6-8

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Played with inserts for cubase, layered onto tracks from my performance piece, Widows, and the Venus project. I tried out the Octaver, which seemed to have only a minor effect of adding bass below voice, and the Amp Simulator which can hilariously shred stuff. I played more with the grungelizer, which I would like to use on some tracks to create more ambiance.

I've beeen sorting tracks in cubase for class presentation, and also playing around with the controls on Balldropping software, to try to get someting more musical. The track I took originally sounds good on the file, but sounds digitally clipped in cubase. I'm not sure why that is, but next time I get a zoom out, I will record it at a lower volume or with less gain.

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